
  • Contents
  • Index

Stationless Logon

Administrative, supervisor, IPA, Optimizer, Social Media, and other features are available without a station in Interaction Connect. Interaction Connect hides or disables features that require a station when you log on without selecting a station.

When you log on with a station, you must have both a Basic Station License and a Client Access License (assigned to a user or a station).If you logon without a station, Interaction Connect hides or disables features that require a Client Access License if you do not have a Client Access License.

Tip: To log on without a station, select Another Station and then choose No Station as your Station Type. You can switch back to using a station when necessary for managing ACD-routed interactions that require a station (call or callback) or using other agent-oriented features. Or you can log on after selecting a station, but later release the station by switching to No Station. For more information, see Changing Station.

Available features

Here is what you can expect to see and do in Interaction Connect, based on how you log on and if a Client Access License is available.

Typical role Agent Limited Agent Administrator or Supervisor
Log on with a Station? Yes No No
Client Access License available? Yes
(License checked automatically at station logon.)
Yes No
Make a phone call control Enabled Visible but disabled Hidden
Send email Enabled Enabled Hidden
Directory views
  • View available
  • Make-call hyperlinks enabled
  • Double-click dialing enabled
  • Conference Call action available if you have security right.
  • View available
  • Make-call hyperlinks disabled
  • Double-click dialing disabled
  • Conference Call action disabled.
  • View available if you have Supervisor license.
  • Make-call hyperlinks disabled
  • Double-click dialing disabled
  • Conference Call action disabled.
Speed Dial views
  • Views available
  • Make-call functionality enabled
  • Drag and drop conferencing enabled.
  • Views available
  • Make-call functionality disabled
  • Drag and drop conferencing disabled.
  • Views hidden
Wrap-up codes Enabled Enabled Disabled
My Interactions
  • View available
  • All actions available according to Security Rights
  • Monitored Appearances available in My Interactions
  • View available
  • Calls and Callback interactions do not alert.
  • Pickup and Conference actions disabled.
  • Other actions available according to Security Rights
  • View hidden
  • No interactions alert
  • No supported media types
Monitored Interactions
  • View hidden
  • View hidden
  • View available only if you have Interaction Supervisor Plug-in: Workgroup license
  • All non-monitored interactions hidden.
  • Actions disabled by capabilities
  • Pick-up
  • Conference
  • Coach
  • Join
Queue views
  • View available
  • All actions available according to Security Rights
  • View available
  • Actions disabled by capabilities
  • Pick-up
  • Conference
  • Coach
  • Join
  • View availability governed by Supervisor license.
  • Actions disabled by capabilities
  • Pick-up
  • Conference
  • Coach
  • Join
Call History
  • View available
  • Make Call links enabled
  • View available
  • Make Call links disabled
  • View hidden.
Workgroup Statistics and Workgroup Overview
  • Views available
  • Functionality governed by Supervisor license
  • Views available
  • Functionality governed by Supervisor license
  • Views availability governed by Supervisor license
  • Functionality governed by Supervisor license
  • Views availability governed by two licenses:
  • Scripter license
  • Dialer license
  • View hidden
  • View hidden
  • View available
  • Station playback enabled
  • View available
  • Station playback disabled
  • View hidden.
Message Waiting Indicator
  • Available
  • Available
  • Hidden
  • Available
  • Make Call API works
  • Available
  • Make Call API not available
  • New API to retrieve current station information
  • Available
  • Make Call API not available
  • New API to retrieve current station information
Personal Prompts
  • Configuration page visible
  • Configuration page visible, but disabled
  • Configuration page hidden
Agent views not requiring a station
Current Interaction
  • View available
  • View available
  • Requires Supervisor license
Response Management
  • View available
  • View available
  • View hidden
  • View available
  • View available
  • View hidden
Supervisor and Administrator views not requiring a station
Agent Statistics view
Interaction Optimizer views
PureCloud Integration view
  • View available if PureCloud Integration is installed on IC Server.
  • View hidden
  • View hidden
Co-browse view
Interaction Process Automation views
Administrator views
Widget Configuration
  • Requires appropriate Administrator Access rights. See Widgets.
  • Requires appropriate Administrator Access rights. See Widgets.
  • Requires appropriate Administrator Access rights. See Widgets.

Related Topics

Monitored Interactions