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Set Status in Accessibility Mode

Interaction Connect has a My Status section that enables you to set your current status, monitor time in current status, configure and use Fast Status buttons, view or specify status details and set your workgroup activation status.

Status controls the announcement of your availability to people who call you. When your status is one of the "do not disturb" statuses, callers hear your status, such as "Bob Jones is out of town." Then they are directed to your voice mail to leave a message. Other PureConnect client users can view your status in Status column of the Company Directory.

To set your status from the My Status drop down list:

  1. Display the Command Palette by doing one of the following:

    • In Windows, press Ctrl+. (period)

    • In Mac OS, press Command+. (period)

  1. Begin typing Change Status or Status.

    A list of matching and applicable commands appears. Use the down arrow key to select Change Status.

  2. To open the Status drop down list, press Enter.

    Tip: Do not use the Down arrow key to open the list of available statuses. This removes Available from the list of selectable statuses.

  3. Type a status name or use the Up or Down arrow keys to select a status and press Enter.

  4. If needed, press Tab to Set Status Details and enter Status Notes, Forward Number, and Until Date and Time.

Fast Status Buttons

You can designate selected statuses as favorites. Favorite statuses appear as Fast Status buttons in the My Status section. Click a Fast Status button to set your status to one of you pre-selected favorites.

To add a Fast Status button:

  1. Set your status. Keep your cursor in the My Status control.

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to make your current status a favorite status.

    A fast status button appears for your currently selected status.