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Chats and the Current Interaction view

The Current Interaction view displays a Chat conversation. You can use the Current Interaction view to review the conversation and send text to the other chat participants.

Tip: You can display the Current Interaction view in a side by side arrangement with My Interactions. The currently selected interaction appears in this view.


Chat Members

This section displays the names of the other chat participants.



The conversation area displays the pre-configured automatic messages that CIC sends when the chat begins, plus all the chat messages from all the participants.

Your replies have a gray background. An icon with a headset indicates a PureConnect user. Icons without headsets indicate customers or other external chat participants.



To reply to a specific message in the chat conversation, point to the message and click the quotation marks icon. Type a reply and click the Send icon. The quoted message and your reply appear together in the conversation.

Tip: To remove the quote from your reply, click the X on the right side of the quote before clicking Send.


Typing indicator

This indicates which other chat participant is typing a reply.


Composition area

Compose your reply to an ongoing chat, then click Send or press Enter.

You can:

  • Type a response.

  • Copy and paste text to or from a Windows application.

  • Include a quote from an earlier message in your reply.

  • Use multimedia in your replies. Insert an https link to a video, an audio file, or an image. Interaction Connect embeds a video or audio file player or displays the image in your view of the chat.

    Note: The links are transmitted to chat participants. Visitors using the Interaction Web Tools chat or chat widget on your company website can click the link and open it in a separate browser tab.

    Example: An embedded video player appears in the Current Interaction view for supported formats like YouTube, Vimeo, and Imgur.



To insert a selected emoji in your reply, click the icon.

Message Indicator and link


Message Indicator

When both the Current Interaction and My Interaction view are not visible at the same time, a message indicator appears on the view tab to alert you that a chat conversation requires attention.


Link to Chat

To display the Current Interaction view for the selected chat, click the chat message in the Details column.

Note: New chat messages appear as bold text in the Details column.


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